This bead was one of those happy accidents. I was playing with
- lentil press
- white frit
- silver plum shards
- gray-green thompson enamel
- floral trailing

floral trailed hollow lentil-pressed bead. Frit, powder, shards, and artist made cane. The 4ply cord is wound (on a bradshaw), not braided. 2013
I know that I used the gray-green TE because I had a lot of it so it was fairly high and thus, easier to get on the bead. I was experimenting with various white frits because I was attempting to find the perfect animal fur (some mystery frit slightly coarser than granulated sugar or salt, that Cindi B gave me, and couldn't remember where she got it...) I just had a lot of the plum shards lying around. (Silver plum makes fabulous shards, by the way: you get iridescent effects.) I'm sure the orange and pink canes were some that were “okay” but not thrilling, so I was using them up to practice on the bead.
2017 edits: added date & info about cord in image description.
N.b.: This page serves as the index for ‘pendants’.

Two 1.5" hollow pressed lentils, with frit, powder, shard and floral decorations, with minor production notes. 12jun2014

Japan Daughter for the Year's parents sent me not one but two wonderful yukata (summer kimono) plus a bunch of other stuff. Not to mention entrusting me with their child for ten months. This piece was my attempt at arigato gozaimasu . 02sep2011
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn