As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I dug out a bunch of old spacerbars and my minihollows as sort of the working parameters for the charms for these bracelets. Most people have specified a color scheme, and few, even some ‘don'ts’ (one person, ferex, didn't want dotties) but otherwise are leaving the project pretty open. I thought it would be fun to have a coherent ‘look’ to my charms. The only other requirement is that all findings be sterling, and any accent beads be either sterling or glass.
As you can see, some of them—this one included—also include chain. This makes for a visually and kinesthetic more complex charm.

shown hanging. You can also see my crappy gallery wrap. Yeah, I'm majorly out of practice. Note also that I've used jump rings as purely decorative, as well as functional, elements.
file created 08dec09. Photos shot 20090809

Kim's beads were based very strongly upon the lentil she herself used as the `seed' for her bracelet, in browns with pink and turquoise spots. 23jun2012

spacerbar bracelet featuring blues and greens. Part of glassact's round robin bracelet exchange. 27sep2023

DD wanted something `chunky'. Or at least a fun shape. Hm, hard to do with mini-hollows... 14feb2012

VR's entry in the Glassact round-robin bracelet project features vivid orange, turquoise and lime beads. 10jul2010

Glassact is having a round robin bracelet project featuring charms made with our own lampwork. 15dec2009

Glassact is having a round robin bracelet project featuring charms made with our own lampwork. 3rd in the series. 09dec2009

Glassact is having a round robin bracelet project featuring charms made with our own lampwork. 4th in the series. 10dec2009

I made this spacerbar charm in green and purple for my own bracelet in the glassact round-robin charm bracelet project. 08dec2009
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn