I took this photograph in late November of 2010,[1] before I got clever and started photographing the name and notes of the recipient. Nevertheless, it seems fairly clear ze was hoping for something in blues and greens. I think the theme was ocean, as indicated by the palm tree bead—great fun!

Blue and green round robin spacerbar bracelet. Unfortunately, I didn't note the name of the recipient. Photographed 27nov2010.
Since I happen to love this analogous color scheme of yellow green through greenish blue (that's what aqua is;) making this particular charm was a real pleasure. I also played, a bit, with an asymmetrical design.
I think it came out well, and it certainly tones with the rest of the beads.
[1]the page, excepting this comment, was created in 2012
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn