This is, perhaps, the last of a series of spacerbar bracelets dating back all the way to 2009. The round-robin bracelet project proved to be highly frustrating for just about everyone who participated. A project that was supposed to take a year is technically still unfinished: the event co-ordinator's bracelet, as well as at least one other person's (not to mention the two guild bracelets) is still lost. Many people were unhappy with their bracelets.

pink spacerbar bracelet. My contributions are the dangles 4th, 6th and 8th from the left, and I'm particularly pleased with them, especially the spacerbar one in the center—and yes, I made the stripey pink mini-hollows just for this project, as well as the bird. “Completed” July 2013. Sterling, lampwork, crystal. Photographed 13apr14.
This is one of the more successful ones, in my opinion: I think because the recipient chose a single, and popular color, pink.[1] It features, among other things, one of Joy's delightful zebras, not to mention a really nice floral, and dichro.
Here's what I wrote about my dangles:
Dear A—,
I made you a pretty pink bird—but then I dropped it and broke the tail off!
SO discouraging. FINALLY made another one—plus a spacerbar dangle & a bonus minihollow w/ a pink&cream cloisonne to pull in the warm browns. Hope you like! —sylvus tarn, 29jul13
I'm ashamed to say I didn't get to her till April of this year—I felt silly shipping it when the recipient lives so close, but this winter was a bear, and I didn't ride bike once, not once, after the winter tires were put on.[2] When I did think of taking it over, it was always on Sunday; when the recipient wouldn't be home. However, she'd said it was ok to leave it in the door. So when f2tE needed the dog taken on a good long walk, I decided to combine the tasks, got off my butt and quick-quick photographed the piece so I could deliver it.
Which I did, on a lovely spring day.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn