This artist wanted chunky shapes, or at least unusual ones. That was a bit tricky—mini-hollows are boringly round. (Well, unless you're trying to make ’em, in which case they're frustratingly not round enough...)

mini-hollow cylinders, czech pressed, glass. Photographed 20060607, assembled sometime roughly in the week prior.
Well, I had some barrels in orange, and the bracelet had a bead on the opposite end in orange that was a very fun shape. There seemed to be a lot of pink accents, so I threw some of that in, in the form of gold-ruby czech pressed glass—these were fave beads, but this lady was my roomie at our K'zoo retreat, so I figured she deserved them for sharing a room with me, over and above being a very nice person;)
I brought this bracelet to a meeting so it could be passed on to the next person, and though that lady didn't show up, D did, & professed herself to be very happy with the way it was looking.
So I guess my rather bland shape was good enough!
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn