Spots&Dots, Big'n'little
Or, making it smaller and spottier...
Hi Fellow Guild Members,
I started the bracelet with one of my brown/purple/turquoise/green dot lentil beads. I got the idea for this bead from a set of dishes I saw in a magazine and it is one my favorite beads.
I would love to end up with an eclectic mix of beads in the end so I would like you to add your favorite bead. Thank you!
I responded with
Dear Kim,
I L O V E your bead! I'm just sorry it took s o o o o L O O O NG to get it done!
Anyway, I made a bunch of minihollows to match...enough that I made your dangle just with them...symmetrically even, which is not my usual aproach but i thought you'd like—hope you do!
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn