Photos taken during travels, newest at top.

Fingers just don't cut it, so a lot of the 800+ megabytes I shot have washed out blurry sections. The up side is that you will not have to wade through 800 megabytes, which as I shot most of them at about a meg per picture, is a lot. The first two thumbnails represent the initial pages I threw to...

Beautiful pink ladyslippers . Local if that means ``within the region covered by the RTP field guide for midwestern flowers...'' Originally posted 14jun08. 14jun2008

I went to Portland in August of 2004 for the International Society of Glass Beadmakers' annual conference, The Gathering. But even if you're not interesting in glass beadmaking, there are some pix of 3 of Portland's spectacular gardens. 20aug2004
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn