Most of the flowers I've been photographing for the last 2-3 years have been in other people's gardens, or wild. This year I really truly am going to finish digging that concrete out of the yard so's I can start planting stuff again. In the meantime I do have a few pix of some bulbs planted in the central raised bed (a big leafy compost pile edged with logs to cover up the bare spot left by the previous owners’ swimming pool.) Hurray the rodents didn't eat everything.

By this time next year, I hope to have lots of asters, goldenrods, joe pye weed, and maybe even milkweed, queen of the prairie and staghorn sumac. But that's for the future; right now zinnias star in my autumn garden. shot 13oct, posted 16oct05 16oct2005

Butterfly on variegated tickseed —with alas a long essay, but fortunately the pic is at the top. 20jun2005

This early june photo shows an iris both bicolor in its petals and its beard . created 08jun05; posted 09jun05 10jun2005
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn