This is an old page and some old photos I have dug out of the archives to fill it; mostly so's I can clean up the main glassbeads page a bit. The bead shown below is a nominally 104 compatible glass, “check glass”,[1] that used to be imported by a guy, Jan Burrows, in New Orleans. Unfortunately, I think Katrina did him in, and the stuff is evidently no longer available in the US. [2]
As you can see, the check tourmaline pink is a gorgeous color; but it's only marginally compatible. Over my objections, Page bought[3] a focal, already cracked, and made it into a necklace.

lumpenstyle focal made with check glass tourmaline pink and 104 dichro. That honking big crack illustrates the problem, for which I made this bead to drive home to Page that, alas, the other was not a fluke. Shot 22jan08.
Not only that, some other person bought it from her—again, even though the bead was cracked, even though Page told her could not be replaced, even though Page put a high price on it because she loved it (and these style of necklaces are pretty expensive to begin with). So there's a lotta fuschia love out there. Despite that, it's taken me
...Taken me six years to get this page finished: that paragraph above is all I managed to write. Eventually, I managed to find the images[4] and in the case of group shot, clean them up enough for presentation (which is probably part of the reason the page never got made, or a different version got made, or whatever.)[5]

Assorted pink beads. Photographed 22jan08. This image actually combines two exposures for a higher dynamic range.
As the plethora of dotties and pixies show, I was still doing a lot of production designer beads and working actively with Page. They're all pretty beads, pretty much of a type I haven't made for years; and one good thing about using/finishing up this old page, it will appear on the main glassbead pages nestled in with other work made during this period.
Recycling rules, even when it's just electrons:)
originally photographed 22jan08, edited 28apr14; touchups, jan2020, & finally posted 31jan2020.

Though these beads were made earlier, this is the first post about them specifically . Originally posted 28jan09. 28jan2009

Collects the 2008 glass bead pages. Still needs some add'l pix, titles, but page is outlined. Photographed 22jan08, edited 28apr14, needs to be revamped 2020 31jan2020
[1]Evidently the real name for this stuff is Ornela.
[2]But, I still probably have 10 or 20 lbs of the stuff, because, tourmaline pink aside, it makes a great base for the big hollow transparents I like to do. The opaques, however, are more problematic.
[3]Actually, I probably just gave it to her.
[4]Conveniently made the day before I created the page, so even without the textual evidence, they obviously go together.
[5]Super-appropriate xkcd from just last Friday(!)
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn