Though I've featured other beads from either the same series, or a previous series that in turn inspired the hearts shown below, this is the first time, afaik, that I've posted these beads (oh, isn't bad, if even the site owner isn't certain...?)
One thing etsy has really forced me to learn is how to deal with white and nearly white backgrounds and very small icons—I think the current batch of photos shows significant improvement over the ones in the link for example.
Though it's a bit daunting to think these beads could be as much as 4 years old! But I've always been much more interested in making art than selling it, and I think these are awfully cute beads.
photo, file, etsy & artfire listings, all 28jan09.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn