I've alluded to my difficulties striking check glass tourmaline pink before, but that bluish pink is such a glorious color. So finally, I decided to try the Bullseye version. You can see some irregularity in the striking, but I would say it's somewhat easier to use; and almost as deep.

Hollow, raked, mandrel wound ‘top drill’ style bead-hole oriented hearts, roughly 13–16mm, bullseye soda lime glass. 1/16" mandrels. January 2008.
Bullseye has in fact put out all sorts of transparent pinks, a couple of which I've also used here—perhaps the sappherine pink striker, and one of the limited edition colors (the coral-orangey one.)
Sadly I don't recall the details of the photography, but I think it came out pretty well—I was probably using pretty aggressive, possibly even opaque, diffusion. And I'm extremely pleased that at least one of my beads stood up.
All in all, one of those little pleasures—nothing earth-shattering, but well enough. Photo 16jan, file created 23jan08.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn