I added single strands of (unwound) #25 metallic embroidery floss to some of the strands, and they proved a major PITA, as they didn't stretch and the cotton did, meaning they fell off the bobbins, snarled the windings, etc. Never ever doing that again, at least not on a disk. ISTR it's less awful on a marudai.[1]

15oct16. 2 threads ended way before the others, so I tied them off, and created 2-2-3 kongo pattern, as shown here, for the remaining thread.
N.b., haven't found an origin photo, but this was supposed to be a low-key project, using upthat cheap string/perle cotton purchased at Jo-Ann/Michaels for Japanese omiyage...the project could not have started before I took Tada-san's class, obviously, as I learned the technique (or rather, become comfortable enough to try it) afterward—some months/year(s) afterward, iirc (Actually, it had to have been started after this braid was completed, approx feb 2016.

Update, 22mar17: braid photographed around 20mar17, though it was completed much sooner[2] —46" unstretched for tabby, another 11" for kongo, which was just to use up the 12? long remaining strands, rather than wasting the thread, or, tbh, my time in warping them, for a total (w/o tassels) of 57".
15nov19—fixed typo in path name
[1]Though there were some slight differences: for the cranberry braid I was using metallic thread nominally designed for a sewing machine, though not stuff that actually worked for that application; here, it was hand embroidery floss. But they both were metallicized, and pretty non-stretchy, threads, with similar behaviours.
[2]lime green & blue braid immediately following was finished except for tassel trim by this time)
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn