This post probably isn't going to be of much interest except possibly to extended family members who wonder what we've been up to...not a whole lot. We didn't have a tree, or much wrapping, because we celebrated xmas out of town last year. The year before that we just moved. This year, however, I was organized enough, and enthusiastic enough about the holiday, to actually make an effort to wrap.
To my mind, decorating giftwrap is (I suspect) second only to making the gifts for being the most enjoyable part of the winter holidays. When I first moved out, I had a lot more stamina for Christmas, and the typical program consisted not only of buying, possibly making, and wrapping gifts, going out for a fresh-cut tree and decorating it, but making and calligraphing cards, attending Midnight Mass, a Christmas walk, (our private celebration) breakfast and gift opening at one household, followed by gift-opening and 1pm dinner at the other household, and back to the first household for evening turkey again as well.

Gifts and Tree. I'd so much rather put my time into decorating the wrappers, than a lot money into the contents. Shot 25dec2005 nikon 8400 coolpix—cropped & rotated.[1]
It was exhausting.
But the households have switched to an every-other-year program with alternating Thanksgiving and Christmas for each, and alas, my sister-in-law no longer conducts at one of the lovely old Detroit area churches, and I haven't sent out cards for 3 years now. —That tradition I would like to revive, and the f2 generation, bless their hearts, did a bang up job of decorating the tree this year. We even managed to make a few cookies.
And, of course, I took a lot of holiday-related pictures.
File started 26dec05, and (more or less) completed 7jan07. (Whew.) I still didn't manage to send out cards for 06, but we had a cookie decorating party (no photographs, sorry) with all the cousins, who along with f2tY once again hung tassels from a great many unlikely places; and I made a whole lotta stockings for the event.
And here it is well past the end of the season, and I though I did finally manage the rest of the gift-decorating posts, alas, the ornament decorating ones, along with the new stockings, will just have to wait till next year. Some of those ornaments still need to be photographed, really, and some others re-photographed, but though I normally like to leave the tree up until Epiphany, this year I think I started taking it down on the 26th. And completely finished the job by the 6th. But you were sick of this stuff anyway, right?
Links to pages:

Gold and white, made easy by Page's efforts in this direction. File-name created 2005, file created 5jan07, posted 06jan07. (Happy epiphany:) 06jan2007

This paper, inspired by vintage Christmas illustrations, has a great deal more orange and turquoise than you might expect. Posted 01jan07. 01jan2007

More efforts in the burgundy and gold direction, courtesy of Page. Originally posted 04jan06. 04jan2006

Charming pretty paper in many colors that is nevertheless difficult to decorate. Originally posted 28dec05. 28dec2005

Exuberant happy paper bursting with many colors that is nevertheless difficult to decorate. Originally posted 29dec05. 29dec2005

This paper, inspired by vintage Christmas illustrations, has a great deal more orange and turquoise than you might expect. Posted 01jan07. 03jan2007

The junior member of the f2 generation is entranced by vintage ribbon with candy canes and other christmas symbols printed upon it. Created 14nov05, intro 1jan07, posted 02jan07. 02jan2007
[1]larger image uploaded, camera & date documented 29nov2019
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn