I've documented before the blue and gold splendor that my friend Page once chose for the holidays. This year I inherited many of her old wrappings, and incorporated them into several gifts. One of them, appropriately enough, is going back to her.
Here are the rest.

Though usually it is Page who prefers to simplify this process, I note she went to the trouble to purchase matching blue-sparkle hot-melt glue, which she used to decorate this lovely pale-blue and gold paper ribbon. My contribution was to add the pale-blue curling ribbon (I think) and maybe some gold mylar shreds.

This one got wrapped, in an extremely hasty fashion, xmas morning, and is very much thrown together. I had some fancy elastic gold cord with dags or poufs along it, which I tied in a bow between the navy tulle and blue bow in a not entirely successful effort to create a transition between the two, as well as pull in the gold elements. Oh, and I burned my fingers for about the 20th time on hot glue. Really, setting the gun on low would be better—both for the mylar elements as wells as my tender fingertips!

I don't remember exactly what I did to change Page's original idea, but you may be certain the original had a crisper silhouette, and less of the busy texture.
This series was one of the ones in which I used the mirror to bounce light fairly successfully.
file created 26dec05 sylvus tarn; intro added 07jan07.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn