This set of stockings was great fun to make because instead of making them piecemeal, as I do for various nieces and nephews as they come along, I made for a family all-at-once. Thus I was able to ensure certain repeating motifs, such as the goldfish, and, obviously the water, not to mention using the same pale blue felt, white edging, and blue and white cording (which I made with a bradshaw winder).

Three sea-themed stockings; I did in fact plan the water lines in each so they'd line up, as in this photo.
To be honest, the mermaid stocking got away from me a little, in that it adds green and magenta to the red-white-blue triad on which the series is based. Nevertheless, I think they work pretty well together as a group. And now they've added another family member to the mix, so I have an excuse to make yet another in this series.
Should be fun.
file created 8jan09. Xmas stocking Index; Embroidery Index; Machine Embroidery Index;
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn