So here's the other stocking that goes with three ships: note the goldfish on the flaps, which face each other. These were made the same year, despite the recipients being two or three years apart (because I was running behind, as usual.) Three ships riffed off the first boat one; this one off the beach stocking. —I've been fascinated by shells pretty much all my life—at one family reunion on Virginia Beach I was, a score and more years out from childhood, still picking up seashells; and my mother wryly noted I hadn't changed a bit.

sail series: felt, cording, tassels, jingle bells, machine applique with a bit of hand embroidery. Made (and certainly photographed) dec 2010.
I love pinks and purples and shells; but I wish I'd been able to get the design to gel a bit better. C'est la vie. It's done.
[1]I used Wye's Encyclopedia of Shells as my reference. I love the photos in this book but discovered, after I got it home, why it was on sale: the author was a creationist—with all those variations staring him in the face, he still didn't accept evolution! In fact Stephen Jay Gould's research relied upon shell measurements...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn