By 2012 I had been making beadcurtain strands for over a decade; in fact, I'd given away the first, rainbow effort and started on a new version featuring my lampwork beads. One of my neighbours, having successfully completed an arduous treatment for a fast-growing and once-deadly form of breast cancer, decided to celebrate her victory over this disease with a bead curtain strand. Being a New Yorker, she felt pretty strongly about paying artists a generous wage, a refreshing attitude I certainly appreciated.

6jan2015 S4, 3:30pm. Live area is 36", plus 6" leader. Click for a larger (& more sharply focused[1] ) image.
Though she'd conceived of the project as ongoing, it evidently didn't occur to me to document the first one, until January of 2015 (when I turned in the 2014 entry), and even then I only made a record shot for length/reference purposes.

Here's the strand on black plexi. Lampwork with pixies, pressed beads...made in 2012. Effetre and Bullseye?; forged copper hook. Total length: approximately 42" Strung on beadalon.
In fact, the first project was repairing and restring an aqua and clc necklace (for which I made some matching beads.) Ironically, that project is documented, at least when in process: probably because it was a relatively easy way to make certain I didn't lose track of any of the precious, and irreplaceable, vintage beads (i.e. maintaining the integrity of the piece.)
My studio notes are pretty abbreviated, but assuming the lentils I was making while working on the aqua project were for this strand, at least some of them were Bullseye. Since I had a lot of old BE strip in transparent yellow and orange, that actually makes a lot of sense.
25may2018, swapped pixie tag.

2014 beadcurtain strand featuring autumn oranges, yellows and acid yellows is delivered on the 12th day of xmas, amongst temps in the teens and snow. 06jan2015

`Bead Curtain' is the term I use for multi-strand lengths of beadwork I typically hang in windows to catch the light. Those of you who have visited butterfly houses and the like may have noticed the strands of heavy chains in doorways that serve to keep the butterflies safely inside. Originally–...
[1]We keep trying different algorithms for reducing the images, but none of them are perfect.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn