So here we are in December, time for gift decorating, xmas earrings and the like...aaaaaaand we have COVID earrings made with extra beads from the 2020 annual orange beadcurtain strand.

covid earrings, 2020; sterling silver, effetre 069 & 072, seed beads; Sony ILCE-7C, sony 90mm macro, f/3.2, EV 0, ISO 50, ummmmm godox at 1/4 power? —rotated, cropped
Back in 2020, I figured I'd just quickly photograph ’em & give them to her. Yup, they've been sitting in the photography “studio” for two frickin’ years. Siiiiiiiiiigh...
After a decade of bead curtain strands, she wanted to pivot to something new, and we had a meeting about it today, so I felt I really needed to get this two-years-late project photographed & to her. So, sorry about the specular highlights and really dull earwire styling, not to mention the background which —really, truly!—is black plexi, but lit as a neutral grey (quite by accident).
But, yay, done!
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn