Hmm, I was evidently on a tear to use up some 8mm “turquoise” that had come my way because 2 other mice from this period also feature the beads[1]

photographed 07aug2018; length and location unknown[2]
The layered-dot focal is, iirc, assorted expensive silver bearing glasses I put together hoping they'd do something totally awesome, but the reality is that multiple layers of expensive glass usually is...kinda boring: you have to combine unexpected stuff to get the cool effects, which means lots and lots of experimentation, instead of trying to take shortcuts/throwing money at the problem.
Nevertheless, I like the zing of little bit of red that otherwise livens up a somewhat bland pink-baby-blue-purple colour scheme. I think that reddish brown spacer all the way to the right is probably one of Fran's boro beads, and it tones pretty successfully with the goldstone just below the turquoise on the left tail.
[1]This turquoise has that glued-together fake look that was evidently pinging my snobbery meter—I mean, it's a pretty colour, but not something I'm comfortable putting in expensive jewelry.
[2]There's a good chance it went off to Japan, since this series of photographs was taken shortly before then, probably to document the mice before giving them away.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn