One of the advantages to having an adult child move back in is they bring their own suite of talents to the household and f2tE has a real talent for organization and tidies and/or cleans as a form of relaxation, or at least, derives enough pleasure from the result to do it regularly.

Dead mouse consisting of reductive frit pressed lentil, peyote woven link, dichro lampwork, pixie dust spacers, assorted glass & basemetal beads. 1.25"/3cm focal, 8.5"/21cm overall (not including keyring) Strung & photographed Dec 2017 (zuiko macro, E620 Olympus body)
When I'm not feeling stressed by all the things I feel I ought to be doing, I too enjoy tidying my (work) spaces, but coming up with the overall organizational principles comes far more naturally to f2: my office still needs work, but it's actually more or less usable. F2 has wrought similar miracles on the sewing area, the tool side of the basement, and has similar plans for dyeing/photography/giftwrap side of the basement as well the garage. Both the f2 generation managed to rearrange the dining room with some lights & a small tree (there's currently too much furniture for the usual full-size tree.)[1]
It's a minor miracle.
I have, between various gifts and commissions, been attempting to do my part by cleaning my studio, and that includes using up the clutter of components that have been sitting on the stringing desk, waiting for me to do something with them. —I have a bunch of these peyote stitched hammered links which were unfortunately the fallout of a business breakup that happened to a friend of mine. The links are beautiful, sterling, and represent a lot of labour, but my friend couldn't stand to even look at them, so she gave them to me to do with whatever I wished; so they've gone into the odds-and-ends-for-dead-mice pile. Most are iris blue, but one was gold iris, and I wanted particularly to string it.

Depending on how I position the flash, I can get this silver lighting on the black plexi, an effect I rather like.
The root beer spacers Frances made as a way to use up some of that silver pixie dust are featured in two places[2] ; I chose the green dichro to pick up on the green in the focal; that faceted brown 6mm czech with the black edgings is, in my opinion, a beautiful bead, but the colour is plastic, as is the midnight blue 8mm faceted czech further down the strand (right next to the matte vintage diamond in mustard and black).
Private collection, 20dec19.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn