A generous xmas gift got me thinking that perhaps—just perhaps—I could purchase a second oxygen concentrator, thereby allowing me to use Brega the Brava at her full potential—i.e., for small boro sculptures (large sculptures wouldn't fit in my AF99 kiln:)

Tigerhead dead mouse, strung Dec2017 of beads manufactured earlier. Lampwork of soda lime (effetre) glass, semiprecious (leopardskin, goldstone), glass/crystal, base metal, beadalong. Photographed dec, zuiko macro lens, Oly E620.
Not precisely certain why I felt I needed to make this particular mouse now—practicing some ivory and black beads, perhaps, or revisiting cat head beads—though reducing the level of brown beads in the mixed tin might have had something to do with it. In any event my studio notes mention tiger heads on Jan 24 and 25, and since the one on the 24th is noted ‘(w/ whisker dots on muzzle pads)’ I'm guessing that's the focal manufacture date.
As we are currently a two car family again, we now have 4 car keys requiring some sort of dangle, and this has become one of two for the newer vehicle, and, I note, usually the wizard's choice, possibly not even entirely because it's shorter than the other one.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn