This mouse started out as floral practice, in transparents so Frances could incorporate the bead into her bead curtain. But I liked the way it co-ordinated with the tails (which were iirc made first—quite unusual, but I had all these beads cluttering my work space that needed to be used up) so I wire-wrapped it up.

Owing to the transparency of the focal, I shot this mouse on white to get more light reflecting through it. Glass, basemental; Photographed 5oct16
There are some gifts in this piece, starting with the wire-wrapped light blue bead that serves as the piece's joint; the cased pink bead with frit is from Cindi B, as is the dotted blue and white bead. —In fact, the seed beads were from mixes and also were probably gifts.
Btw, the pink comes solely from transparent 456 gold ruby frit: an inexpensive method for getting a pricey color;)
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn