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the various and sundry creations of sylvus tarn
Scrimshandered Butterfly Fairy
long, long ago...

I probably made this piece specifically for my friend Page, possibly as a christmas or birthday gift. We share a love of pretty men:) It's on elephant ivory, an extremely politically incorrect material to work, now, and large: possibly as much as 2" high. I used a tungsten carbide tipped tool to etch.

Scrimshandered (etched) fairy. ivory, lampblack, sterling silver. Approx 1/4" thick by 2" high. 1988.

Note the reversals on the upper and lower wings, a favorite trick of mine. It's also pretty obvious that I love the folds fabric can assume (though I'm still not that great at ’em. Some famous art drawing book has the seven kinds of folds that exist, and I couldn't name or draw them from memory to save my life.) Since the image is digital, it should be clear that it's my sig that's backwards, not the pic.

Recently I asked a friend to send me some of that faux bone stuff; I'd like to get back into scrimshaw again, though I'd have to build up my muscles: it takes a great deal of hand strength to etch. I note that the technique in this piece, made when I was ‘in practice’ still looks pathetically crude, especially at full resolution, though the drawing doesn't seem too bad.

Ah well; I've always been prey to thinking I was much better than reality actually supported.

photo 20090818; file created 19dec09

