I think this is a version of the flat rectangular braid called mitake in Martin's book; and I believe I thickened up the edges by using a signifantly thicker (#3) perle cotton for some of the bobbins. Martin, of course, always uses the same number of ends per bobbin, but Owen had some intriguing examples in which differing thicknesses of fibers were used. One can also experiment with differently weighted bobbins as well.
I had such high hopes for this green/purple fuscia/teal braid. And I was so disappointed with it when I finished. Even with years of mixing colors with painting, embroidery and stringing, they didn't (and often still don't) behave as I expect in kumi.
However, then I had the idea of incorporating some of that yellow/kelly/cobalt wool ombre into tassels; and that did the trick. The tassels, which also include fuscia (it looks red in the photo) yarn, the teal perle cotton, purple and some lime green, pulled the piece together, and it remains one of my favorite braids.
Thus, it has the honorable task of tying the wrap for my three tapestry needleweaving necklaces.

cotton, wool
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn