This was originally planned for a blue, mustard and cream colored stocking, but I ended up doing the braid for that in yarn instead.

54" (not including tassel) by about 1/8" (3mm) 16 strands, disk-kongo, size 12 perle cotton ‘made in Romania’.
I “crisscrossed” the color: that is, reversed half of them end-to-end to give the yellow and orange contrasting spiralling stripes at the ends of the braid; the shifting colors met in the middle for the pure orange at the center of the spiral, shifting to two blue sections that are basically at the 1/3 and 2/3 mark (i.e. the braid is bilaterally symmetrical in pattern).
These are not normally colors I work with, but I was very pleased with the way this braid came out.
update, 18feb15—this braid is now in the collection of Dr Makiko Tada.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn