Well, at least the Heated Enclosure of my Kiln...
As you can see all three variations passed with flying colors, even the middle one, which appears to have been made by casing white glass with pink, giving the bead a dyed appearance. But lo, it is an authentic bead, since it survived the 980deg F (~500C). temps of my kiln.

Samples of seed beads after an annealing cycle (yeah, the little glass dishes also went through the cycle) with the bags of 3 kinds of opaque seed beads, ranging from 11/0 to 10/0 (roughly). All passed with flying colors.
These are kind of interesting beads in other ways, as well. I bought them from Beads4You/Flying Feather, which catered to the Powwow trade; thus these are probably czech, and definitely have that old-timey look and feel (note the deformed bead caked with dirt on the left). Alas, I'm not finding much of anything recent about them on the web, so I think they may be defunct.
But I'm so tickled that these are "good" beads:) Photograph & file 14may08. rant intro, 26may.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn