The color scheme of these beads came out of a tribute for someone close to me. None of my other bead designs—at the time of this writing (jun05)—have this special significance, and these beads have some variations from my typical color schemes: the trailing, unlike every other trailed abstract I currently do, is grey instead of black, and the color scheme is relatively subdued for me. Sometimes I make them on a base of clear, but I much prefer to use alexandrite, which shifts from pale blue to pale violet depending upon fluorescent or incandescent light.

I rather like the fact that even the name of these beads has an underlying meaning not immediately apparent, nor critical to appreciating the bead, that adds another layer of significance for me. And as they go out into the world, so they carry with them what is already fading memory.

effetre soda lime, silver leaf. Typically 14–24mm hole to hole
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn