Just for kicks I took a picture before and after I annealled this ornament. The cobalt blue is a wysiwyg color, but with the exception of the new flame-striking rubies (which I haven't tried) boro reds are traditionally struck in the kiln, with an elevated soak cycle—unless you want more a brick (reduced) red. This latter situation happened where I attached the loop, as the flame was unavoidably cooler in that area.

Though modern ruby rods come pre-struck, the glass becomes clear in the flame—so only the cobalt stripes show.
Two views of the same ornament, after being annealed with a one hour 1150 degree soak temperature. Click on the thumbnails for full-size images.

This is a much better image—softer highlights, more attractive color distribution, better framing. However, the pair do show the variability of my striping technique...
file created 22dec05
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn