Robot with Antennas!
fun with the paper
As the title gently implies with its enthusiasm, this is actually the first in this series, despite being posted second.[1]

2.25 x 4.24 x 5.75" (box only); silver metallic pipe cleaners, valentine mylar wrapped wire, curling ribbon, plastic beads, wire edged ribbons, wrapping paper, hot glue. Jan 2021
The paper, featuring happy cheerful robots with a retro flair,[2] immediately spoke to the idea of old-fashion tv antennas, suggested by some silver pipe cleaners laying on the table—see, this is why artists sometimes really benefit from messy spaces, because the random quality of stuff crap laying around can spark unexpected ideas.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn