After finishing up the jewelry making (technically a combination of wirewrapping—earrings—and bead-stringing—bracelets) I took down the co-ordinating display, promising to substitute gift-decorating, which seemed appropriate for December. Because the showcases were either 12x12 cubes or (one) 12x24 rectangle, the gifts had to be pretty small to fit inside.

Giftwrap. Perhaps 4–5" longest dimension. Metallic (reused) wrapping paper, curling ribbon, fabric ribbon, hot glue. The olive ribbon is almost certainly vintage, and responded to the ribbon ripper beautifully. November 2018, Canon 60D, EF 18–135MM tele, flash
I'm very fond of lime green, and particularly liked the way I was able to echo the silver and lime spots on the paper with metallic silver curling ribbon & lime green fabric ribbon. And as I noted in the materials section, the olive ribbon was a joy to use.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn