And since purple and green are amongst my favorite color combos, and they suite my growing conditions (lots of shade) I happen to like violets very much, even though, as I recall, they're no more native wildflowers than dandelions. (And even I draw the line at dandelions in the garden.)
Those pretty lavender flowers in the foreground are also a weed, gill over the ground. I think I ripped it out shortly after it bloomed. Not to worry; it always comes back. Also in the photo are some not-yet-slug-chewed hostas and perennial forget me not, another good performer if only I would divide it and throw away the dead center....

Another shot of purple flowers. Weeds take note: if you want to survive in my garden, color thyself in violet hues.

probably 2000
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn