Perennial sunflowers—probably Helianthus tuberosis—are very easy to grow, so long as they get at least part sun; of course, then they tend to flop a bit, as these are doing, right over the steps of my deck, making them very easy to paint, and, if some interesting enough crittur happens to be in the frame, to photograph, as here. This is a somewhat older flower, and its rays don't have the folded in curl at the base that charmingly distinguished some of the models I painted; but you can easily distinguish the bits that have bloomed (outer part) and remain (the lime green center.)

Bumblebee sleeping on perennial sunflower.[1] Despite its being a bit out of gamut, you can't fault the sharpness, allowing, ofc, for the lens and sensor limitations. 1 sep2020, 1/264s, ISO 125, f1.7–out of the box: OnePlus/2020T/20200903T
IOW, they made a perfect, easy and fun subject for notecards, and as I'll need a bunch when the local thrift shop finally gets its resignation/award/etc list sorted, I wanted to have them ready to go.

watercolour on 9x12" paper folded in quarters to make a note. ISO 640, f1.7 1/50sec /OnePlus/2020T/20200908T; gimp tools uniform transform, crop & levels applied.
This particular sample was the first in a series of four. Note the highly rippled leaf, which is somewhat unusual for this species, or at least the ones that grow in my yard.
[1]I actually took this picture to show my friend Tech the habit of bumblebees sleeping on flowers the following morning after watching it settle down the night before.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn