I've a friend in the Chicago area who is kind enough to put me up when I'm in town: wanting to see him again was the original impetus for planning this road trip and driving, rather than flying, to texas, where I hoped to sell beads (and oh yes, attend a wedding.) During the approximately 18 hours I visited (including sleeping mind you) we went out for goodies three times—and inbetween, worked off some of those calories wandering around his neighborhood, which includes many of the same things I find so appealing in my own—flowers, rivers, interesting architecture. None of the architecture pictures (as opposed to the architecture itself) were that interesting, but these aren't half bad—and for me, of course, they serve as mementos of a delightful visit.

Lake, um, Michigan? Whatever that one is that's bordered by Chicago...I gimped this image to lighten and brighten. Heh. If I keep making pages at this rate, I'll eventually learn how to use Gimp.

I was fascinated by these Asian ladybugs, and they were good luck, in a way: my biggest sale was to a bead store with a lady bug theme. Yeah, this kind bites and can be a bit of a pest, what I find particularly fascinating is the wide variability in their wing case patterns. Beautiful.

Ah, woodland hyacinths, one of the beauties of spring. These were taken near the entrance to the beach, above.

I have a few in my backyard: they've been proliferating now that the big tree that shaded them has been cut down, and the neighbor behind me has thousands. But here are even more.

My friend enjoys kayaking, and told me stories of the rivers he'd paddled on as we enjoyed the golden rays of the setting sun. There aren't many pleasures to compare. (Sappiness like this is why I prefer to express myself in images, btw.)
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn