A while back I featured a second charm bracelet of guild exchange beads in christmas colours. Well, a relative of mine wanted one, and I evidently made her one, and then completely forgot about it—I'm guessing since I made the one this is based on in 2012 (note the xmas spot'n’streak that I either put together a second one that year, or in 2014 (my guess would be the latter, because the spot and streaks are subtly different, and were probably made at a different time.)

charm bracelet, lampwork beads using assorted techniques—frit, powder, trailing, layered dots, cased dots, twisted dots; silver findings. Made sometime between xmas 2012–xmas 2014.
Note that this design incorporates the modern clasp of version 2, but some ethnic silver, especially framing the beads. It is thus an amalgamation of the two earlier designs, made to the wearer's taste. With the possible exception of the emerald green bead with white frit, I made all the lampwork in this piece.

I was too busy to shoot it properly in the studio, so I just have another outdoor shot on my now rather battered deck table, taken with my phone.
It was certainly completed by xmas ’14, because I have documentation of its owner wearing it at that time;)
And for xmas of 2020, I got a decent picture of it. As well as a request to make a matching necklace...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn