Owing to the need to isolate, our Christmas celebrations were pretty low key.[1]

two silver ornaments; the one in the top of the photo is vintage, and I love them both—note that I was basically just able to snap a pic with my phone
We decided to get a tree, both for my mom, as well as the kid in Japan[2] which meant I had a way to display these goodies from my bestie Page, as well as the lovely handmade ornament I got from my guild last year.
As in other recent years f2tE and Frances, my glass daughter, did most of the work decorating. They said they were gonna get all the ornaments on, but there's still 2–3 boxes to go, not to mention 50–100 icicles & snowflakes (which we usually put on last.) But I still really enjoy having a fresh-cut tree and this, year, bonus, conditions were just right that I was able to use the macro clip lens on my phone to photograph snowflakes resting on the trees at the tree farm:

snow crystals resting on fir trees; photographed with a macro clip on a oneplus 5T phone. Click for a sharper version.[3]
What's amazing to me is how much the processing has improved since that last time I tried this, in 2009, (a page I posted, exactly 11 years ago...) That time I used a coolpix 8400, which certainly had a bigger lens and probably bigger sensor. This time I used an inexpensive clip-on on my phone, and the results are much better. Pretty sweet!
Which I s'pose is my way of saying, hard as times have been, all you do, I guess, is try to find beauty and joy in whatever small things you can.
[1]My mother, for whom this xmas may be her last even if she doesn't contract covid, stayed with us, presumably before she could start shedding any virus picked up at the airport/plane, for a couple of days before joining a (shudder) six household celebration with the rest of the fam, who tested, took precautions, etc, but still...
[2]who not only made a fabulous stollen right out of the gate—using Japanese microwave combo ovens to boot—as well as a traditional turkey/stuffing/cranberry feast. I was pretty impressed. It was certainly a much greater effort than I managed.
[3]Despite being a little blown out on the highlights, I like this—it just makes me happy.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn