This is something of an interstitial piece, that I made to go in as a center for the fantasy beaded flower; but I made it too big to fit. Even making it I could tell it was ugly and awkward overall, but that it had bits and pieces of the idea I want to incorporate, somehow, into my french beading (which is basically just a wire-wrapping method, albeit one that doesn't show much wire). I mixed beads and wires before, as a glance at the wirewrap directory will show, but up till now I've come at it more from a wire-dominated approach. This piece has more of that flavor, excepting the subject matter, instead of being jewelry, is meant to be sculpture (which is technically what french beaded flower making is, not that most people would see it that way...)

. The whole thing is probably about 6 or 7” long, and incorporates a vareity of wires ranging roughly from 34ga lacing to white plastic wire that's perhaps 18ga wire thickness including coating. The green wire is 24ga. 3mar08.
What I love best about this piece is the way the wire, particularly the ends, curl and twine—the white plastic wire seems especially lifelike. I like the different scales of the curls, the varying diameters and shapes of the wires. I like the way the 34 ga twines tightly, then more loosely, giving differing textural effects. Must find my coiling tool...
But there aren't enough beads, and what ones there are, are awkward. It's very much a practice piece.
file created 4apr08.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn