This is actually the third go-round for this mouse, because I know I had to restring it at least once before when one of the beads in the tail just...broke. I have no idea why or how: my bead buddy brought it back to me after using it, one of the hollows shattered.

Dead mouse. Restrung Oct 2014. This photo emphasizes the end of the tails, which is the part that changed, since I presumed (incorrectly) that I had ready-to-hand pix of the older version(s).
I probably have pictures of the earlier incarnations of this mouse (with the focal in focus)...but if so, they're not tagged. When and if I find ’em, I'll add them to this page. In the meantime, a fairly straightforward rendering of one of my favorite color schemes.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn