This was not a very serious mouse: it was originally strung on tigertail, with a tiny body, and if I ever photographed it, I failed to tag the image. So I'm not certain how long ago I originally strung it[1] though it's likely the bullseye focal was made between 2005 and 2008—really, I should either use that stuff up, or get rid of it...F2tE liked the colour scheme of this little mouse, preferring to have it back after it broke[2] to some newer designs, so I restrung it.

Dead mouse. Note: clicking on the image will give you a nice sharp, full-size version.[3] Restrung July 2018, on beadalon, with a 6mm rose quartz bead fit into the little beadholder/bail on one of the tails. Bullseye and effetre lampwork, seed beads, base metal, beadalon, 22ga 308 steel wire, rose quartz. Approximately 9" long, with a focal bead of about 12mm. Minor editing/changes of original design.
Aside from putting the body of the mouse (the purple spotted pink BE bead and the half round white metal bead) on a gallery wrapped 22ga steel wire, adding a bead for the bail/bead cap for support (as it was getting sadly crushed), and some minor rearrangement of the seed bead strands, it looks very much as it did originally.
2019 update: and here it is again.
[1]Though I have a vague memory of making it during one of our JDftY's stays, which means it's at least 4 years old...sounds about right.
[2]And perfectly content to deal with its kinky, awkward looking tails in the meantime, as 7strand tigertail kinks more readily than beadalon.
[3]Mebbe I should go back to manually resizing these images...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn