This particular mouse was a gift to f2tE, and the original was photographed in 2012. Unfortunately, it got broken, and when I attempted to recreate the bead, it was a misshapen mess. However, f2 liked it anyway. In 2014, v. 2 got run over by a car—the broken bead is shown in the picture below—so I substituted a completely (but pre-made) 1.5 lentil. This bead is solid or nearly so, which probably accounts for the fact that it's held up so well.[1]
However, the tails broke, so it came back for restringing. Bored with the old pattern, I changed it up a bit while doing a series of dead mice last weekend to ‘use up’ the assorted beads cluttering my stringing desk as there are projects I want to get started on.
All in all, I would say these things last about a year to 18 months with hard use.[2]
[1]I made a webpage in Dec 2014, but it got subsumed into this one, and re-purposed for something else.
[2]The one my car key is on has perhaps been restrung once since 2011, even though it's on much lighter beadalon; but I only drive 2–3x/month.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn