One of our neighbors provided us with a key to her house, and so I decorated it with this dead mouse. Neighbors who casually give you keys to their domains is quite a new thing for me, but in fact is probably one of those indicators of ’hood health, and by that standard, ours is thriving: I know there of several exchanges, and conversations along the lines of ‘so and so has a key, get it from them so you can go do X at my place’.

Blue floral dead mouse. 8.25" long (to tip of tigertail); focal measures 23mm at its largest point. Glass, copper jump ring and crimps; 2012.
Such a love person deserved an equally beautiful mouse, so I selected a blue floral (that actually is on a transparent violet base) and ornamented it with pretty little stripies. The color scheme was suggested by my welcome-to-the-neighborhood, which was a yellow and blue stripey, but the delicacy of the design was dictated by my tastes.

Turns out I took a picture of this back in April of 2012, so here's another shot of it. I like lighting of the first pic better, but this one has the seed beads in focus, for those of you who want that in sharper detail.
30sep: added 2nd img & caption.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn