I signed up to volunteer at a local garden, and they had an intake meeting; during the time I was waiting for it to start (& during) I strung 3 mice, of which this was the first in the series.

filigrana & pale blue lotus raked striped focal, 18mm wide; overall length (not including key ring) 5.5 inches; glass, beadalon, base metal, steel presta valve ring; strung & photographed 13apr22; sony A7c, tamron 70–180mm lens (at 70mm; f/2.8, ISO 50) godox TT600 flash (at either 1/16 or 1/8th power) Click for a larger version.
Given the classic symmetry of the bead, I probably should have made the tails more regular as well, but I didn't think of that until I'd nearly finished it. C'est la vie, mebbe next time I have a super cleanly designed focal (not at all my typical approach.) I did at least more or less keep to the limited colour scheme of the focal!
Update 28apr22: changed raked lotus (wrong) to stripey; 21dec23, updated title to correct the rake
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn