This is my least favourite of a series of four dead mice I made in 2021 that I (probably) sent to Japan, given the small size of their tails and the fact that I only have these half-assed photos shot in available light on a ceramic tile in the studio. I mean, I didn't even bother to check this image to see if I'd gotten the entire piece in frame, which is why the keyring is cut off.
But my goodness, the IQ of the sony macro lens, even so...

dead mouse, soda-lime focal with thompson enamel and black trailing; found peyote stitched tubes of delicas; czech pressed, seed and pot-metal beads, strung on plastic-coated wire cable (probably beadalon); photographed 15jun2021, sony ILCE-7C, sony 90mm macro, f/2.8, ev +1.0, 1/100s, ISO 1000; cropped, background image edited & blurred (to even it out) and lightened; scaled to 4000 pixels in gimp (click for the sharp full size version)
The other thing the series has in common are the little peyote stitched tubes of delicas incorporated into the tails: this happened because the thrift store I used to visit[1] had a bag of delicas and a very partially finished project for a good price, so I bought it.
Not wishing to destroy someone's work (and, to be honest, being too lazy to take the time for so little's not like I don't have thousands—likely, tens of thousands—of delicas already) I put into these dead mice; the tubes, therefore, were the starting point of the design, specifically the colour scheme.
This is in contrast to the focal (i.e. the ‘body’ of the mouse) which is generally the beginning point.
It was a fun series to do, and I'm glad I stumbled across it again.
[1]and will no doubt again, unless my sister keeps giving me boxes of clothes faster than I can wear them out...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn