I made this a while back, but very likely this year: I have other projects completely documented for the past several months, and I don't think it's older than a few months.

9-1/8" overall; focal is 25mm/1" rhinestone rondell, bicycle shraeder valve lock nut, base metal, pearl, speckled ceramic bead, cat's eye, czech glass, pixies, hematite, grongroo. Photographed 16mar20
The bead is a very pale blue (or possibly alexandrite)[1] transparent with a super-fine layer of a plum shard—one so thin that not only is it effectively transparent silver purple, it has some tinges of blue as well, giving a subtle iridescence.
To pick up on this subtle effect, I strung the piece with a purplish blue freshwater pearl, and two grey pixie dust beads, as well as seed beads with iridescent qualities. —I must've done something right, because f2tE immediately claimed it.
Update 27jan21: mounting it on that cheap silver plate wire wasn't a good idea—it broke pretty quickly. So I redid it on iron.
[1]We tested it with a fluorescent light. It's 050 cobalt.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn