Given the changing leaves and multiple days of just gorgeous autumn blue skies this seems an appropriate mouse to feature:

orange and turquoise blue mouse. Note the “turquoise” inlay pendant & red jasper carved bird, both of which were inspired by southwestern jewelry. 2016
This shard bead has a reverse:
I also like that scrolled orange and blue bead. I believe the two ivory beads with turquoise and ivory twisty were made by Cindi Brunell.[1]
[1]As I recall, she was getting tired of her old stuff several years ago during a studio cleaning, and was going to pitch them all—well, I know how that feels. But of course, not being my own work, I wasn't about to see perfectly good beads tossed in the garbage, so I've slowly been incorporating them into various projects ever since.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn