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the various and sundry creations of sylvus tarn
If this is about Gathering,
Why are most of the pix of something else?

The main reason I have so few Gathering pictures is that Gathering is mostly about people. Many people don't like being photographed; I think flash is distracting (and I've never been able to get good results with it, but there was no way I was going to get the monopod into my overstuffed luggage); and you need to get their permission, ideally before you photograph and certainly before you publish, which can make the candid shots I prefer tricky. Even when I have permission (as I did in Doni Hatz's case) I still worry about distracting people, especially at the torch—which is why I have no record of her making that purple coneflower bead. Ah well...

However, if you hunt around the ISGB site, http://www.isgb.org it usually has a great many of Greg Fuch's pix; as the webmaster, I figure he's got a sort of photojournalist's right to record the event.

And here's another shot of Dietmar, though again, all rights are reserved.
