The real fright, of course, are not these beautiful structures by our arachnid friends, but the weird, climate-change induced weather that makes them so visible: we're having fog as a consequence of 70 degree days in late October and November, which is not at all the norm: I love the look on the webs, but am not thrilled by the increased number of mosquitoes, ticks and the like that will be failed to be frozen by the milder winters.

All these pix were taken with a pixel pro, which was responsible for the bulk of the image processing:)
Still, these webs, located on a bridge over a nearby river, were extra laden with dew and fog, making for a beautiful effect.
For the last, I pushed the contrast up a bit to give the already mostly black and white image a bit of extra drama.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn