Which isn't to say the animals in my yard necessarily like being photographed, but unfortunately for them, they don't have much say in the matter.[1] This one seems tolerably amused, at least.
I figure the best way to get better at shooting birds in flight is to start with easier subjects, that aren't a) as far away and b) moving as fast. While I finally found a helpful video for setting the camera to animal eye tracking, this earlier image locked on to the squirrel's nose.

1/800sec, f/2.8, iso 100 e.v. +0.3 180mm focal length, 13:09 14apr21; Soncy ILCE-7C with Tamron 70-180 Di III VXD, colour & value adjusted, scaled to 4000 pixels
Though it wasn't what I intended I was actually pleased with the effect, because from the rodent's point of view, its nose and whiskers are more vital to it, and this focus emphasizes that.
[1]It's a pretty low price to pay for the buffet, aka my garden, that I put out for them...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn