Page made this wonderful charm bracelet featuring pixies and dotties in effetre, check glass and boro, with gorgeous Bali silver accents almost 20 years ago, back in 2006. I just love it, so despite having tried sprucing up an older photo of it, was happy to have had the opportunity to make some newer photos of it. And I gotta say, where the new glass really shines is the depth of colour. Yummy!

czech & effetre soda-lime, boro glass, czech, swarovski & chinese crsytal, bali & sterling silver; L Page Brunner; n.b. there is a lot of photo manipulation using cloning, smearing & duplicating tools to “fix” the reflection of the amber-purple boro dottie reflection in the lower-central right of the photo: unfortunately, when took the photo, I cropped it too tightly, and had to recreate the reflection of the lower dots & headpin end.
And then waited more than a year to get around to posting it. Well, better late than ever!
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn