Page has been taking metalworking classes at a local art school; and unlike me, she enjoys soldering and texturing and whatnot. She also has a dead-on sense of design and proportion, as this series of bracelets show. Each bracelet features one pixie, usually in a saturated hue, a high-tint dottie, and a more robustly colored dottie, all carefully matched as to size and shape, beautifully bracketed by textured sterling rings. (I fancy my love of texture had some tiny input on this aspect of the design;)

sterling, bali, and lampwork bracelet. 2007. Copyright Page Brunner and Sylvus Tarn. All rights reserved.

This one was frustrating to photograph because my coolpix 8400 was in the shop and the 990, old faithful (which by way has better autofocus) clips blue-based pinks something awful. Yay gimp.
All of these (or any other color combo that would suit your fancy) are available at our etsy shop for $75 plus $5 shipping.
file created 29nov07.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn