Kristin Perkins continue to explore the subtle interplay between tranparent and opaque sodalime glasses in her autumn themed pendant style necklace. She notes that she's ramping up the color bands: whereas she used to only incorporate three, she can now double that number, as she has here with vetrofond mustard (the avocado), turquoise, emerald?, pea green and a lovely rootbear to finish. You can see for yourself some of the wonderful ways the opaques bounce color into the transparents in the middle green band, which takes on lime qualities from the outer yellow green band, and more bluish ones from the turquoise, to the point that I'm not absolutely certain that transparent is emerald, or grass green.

soda-lime glass, sterling silver. Bead is about 25–30mm edge to edge. shot (and thus manufactured around) 09oct06: copyright Kristin Perkins. All rights reserved.
But there's no question that the colors work together beautifully, and evoke the lively earth and sky tones the slanting autumn sunshine gives us.
file created 05nov06; completed 14nov06
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Sylvus Tarn